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Showing posts from August, 2020

September - Must-Have Monthly Convo

Mental health. This is a term we've all heard many times, and most likely know it is a growing concern in today's society. But do we truly understand what it is? Maybe, maybe not. One thing is for certain though. As each day passes with more and more mental illness diagnoses, suicides and mass-shooting events, it is critical for each and every one of us to make a choice to be aware of & informed about this important topic.   Webster's Dictionary defines the term Mental health as "the condition of being sound mentally and emotionally that is characterized by the absence of mental illness and by adequate adjustment especially as reflected in feeling comfortable about oneself, positive feelings about others, and the ability to meet the demands of daily life". Whoa. Let's break that down a bit... Mental health is: stable thoughts without mental illness stable emotions without mental illness caring about yourself caring about others appropriately pivoting with...